Saturday, May 26, 2012

Michelle 3D paiting

Hello Uruguay,

Michelle has some problems with posting on the blog. So she has asked to me to post this message.

Hi guys ! ! ! It’s Michelle
do you remember, I said that I will post pictures of
3d painting?
so here they are . . . ) ) )
1)Krupski  is  my  school   and I  love  it  very  much ,that’s  why I painted  my  schools  name.

2)This picture  is  painted  by  me . I  paint  tis  picture  with  program  <<Paint>>

I  hope  you  like  my  pictures   . . . ) ) )
Bye  bye  :D


  1. Hi Mishell can you please tell me where is the link for the 3D painting pictures?

  2. The first picture is painted by me with program paint and in second picture my schools name

  3. Hi Mishel,
    Congratulations on your pictures. Keep going!!
